Upcoming Events

Category: School Holidays

Puzzle Mania

Event Series Puzzle Mania
Experience Centre 1/151 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Queensland

Settle down in a quiet corner of the Experience Centre and bring our train stations to life by tackling a range of jigsaw puzzles based on the designs of the stations. There are puzzles for all ages. Recommended for ages 5+, caregiver participation encouraged. Saturday 8 February, 11am to 1pm

Marvellous Maps

Event Series Marvellous Maps
Experience Centre 1/151 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Queensland

See if you can solve the one-metre-long Cross River Rail map jigsaw puzzle then make your mark on a giant map of Cross River Rail by drawing your house. Recommended for ages 5+, caregiver participation encouraged. This is a drop-in session. Saturday 15 February, 11am to 1pm

Lego City Build

Event Series Lego City Build
Experience Centre 1/151 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane, Queensland

Build your own future development! Become an urban planner and design the new Albert Street precinct. From streets, transport, trees and buildings of different shapes and sizes, how will you bring your city to life using only Lego. Recommended for ages 5+, caregiver participation encouraged. This is a drop in session. Sunday 2 February, 11am […]