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Introduction to Archaeology for Kids with Dr Kelsey Lowe

Thursday, 19 May 2022
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6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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Archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.

To celebration National Archaeology Week, we have invited The University of Queensland’s School of Social Science Senior Research Fellow, Dr Kelsey Lowe to present an Introduction to Archaeology aimed at our up-and-coming future archaeologists.

Join Dr Kelsey as she focuses on explaining a range of definitions including what archaeology incorporates, the scientific disciplines of the field and the importance of context. She will review some of the key archaeological timelines in Australian pre-history, and some of the theoretical framing of the discipline within the Australian context.

On the day, you can visit our Archaeology and History page to view the webinar.


Dr Kelsey Lowe is a Senior Research Fellow on the University of Queensland’s Research Support Package (RSP) Anthropocene Project.

Her research interests involve integrating interdisciplinary methods with particular emphasis on archaeological geophysics, remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS) and geoarchaeology in archaeological research.

Her recent work explores the potential use and comparability of soil magnetic susceptibility with other techniques like soil chemistry and geochronology, to understand the nature and persistence of Pleistocene human occupation in Australia.

Outside Australia, Dr Kelsey has been involved in several international projects in Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, Indonesia, North and South America, Papua New Guinea and Southeast Asia.

On the day, you can access the livestream on our YouTube channel.